7 effective strategies of demand generation

Instagram tests
Instagram tests new features which will be rolling out in the coming months. Check out the blog to know more about these features

Which features are under Instagram tests?

Instagram is now a days gaining its popularity above the other social media networking sites. Instagram is focused on to sharing videos and photos across the platform and has extremely user-friendly structure. Instagram is also a part of the digital marketing where companies are creating Ad campaigns and spreading those using hashtags. For such reasons such social networking apps are behind creating, testing, and launching new features almost every month. This is key to improve the competition by rolling out new features. Recent announcement said Instagram tests new features which are mentioned below

Which features are under Instagram tests?

1.Multi-Advertiser Ads 

This feature will allow companies or advertisers to show similar businesses when a person clicks on a Ad. This will create more competition has the audience will now have an option to choose from many similar businesses.


2.Spark AR platform

In this feature a new side of virtuality can be experienced. As people will now be able to actually test new products by placing them into their house using VR function. For example, new piece of furniture can be placed anywhere in the home to know how it looks.


3.Ad options

And last but not the least, new way of advertising with new features. Instagram will now have a separate option to pop up in feed under explore option. Companies will now have an option to feature their products in this category.1.


Whatever we say about digital marketing is never enough. Digital marketing is extremely cost effective has helping companies to spread all over the world using such features. Unlike traditional marketing where no update would have been possible for modern technology, today, digital marketing is helping to run a business on online terms with simple and useful social media networking tools.

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