Drum rolling LinkedIn New Features on the platform

LinkedIn New Features
LinkedIn New Features soon rolling out over the world with first class changes! Check out the blog to know more.

Drum rolling LinkedIn New Features on the platform

Every social media has its own purpose like, for Instagram it meant to share reels, photos and videos, whereas, Facebook is meant to meet new people. On the other hand, LinkedIn is famous for searching the right candidate for the job profile as well as looking out for various job opportunities. So! Checkout these Drum rolling LinkedIn New Features on the platform!

What LinkedIn New Features are rolling in?

  • These updates are going to be enabled for company pages.
  • There are going to be new templates which will help to create eye catchy posts
  • The actual template changed were already launched for the users last month
  • Moreover, as the Instagram has it, LinkedIn include stickers which will help to attach a link.
  • When it comes to appreciating the comments, companies will now be able to pin it on the top.


When any social media networking site updates its database with new features, isn’t that so wonderful to have everything under one place? Well, such kinds of LinkedIn are useful in social media marketing. All of these is possible because of technology and technology is easing the life for everyone. Even though it may seem a small feature it has a lot of functionability.

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